Monday, February 21, 2011

D2 Crest Logo Miller

Here are my crest logos for the law firm and Wintersmith Park. I found this logo style to be somewhat difficult. Im not sure if I have one of these that I really like. Maybe the Wintersmith Park one.


Aaron said...

I think the middle law logo is the best one given the scenario.

Here's a hint to all of you. Export your work as a jpeg and then open in Photoshop. Then go Image, Adjustments, Desaturate. If you work becomes visually flat it's because your color choices have a similar values. If this logo was done this way the tree would virtually disappear.

Coley said...

These are all very interesting, but the two left crests are almost impossible to read, a light colored background will fix that. I like the Wintersmith crest the best, it's very dark, but really cool.