Friday, January 20, 2012

D2 Five Initial Logo Designs


Aaron said...

These all look pretty good. The one with the dog takes the emphasis off of the main part of the logo which should be your initials. For me, the most successful one is the KFC spoof

Unknown said...

I agree with Aaron. The KFC was the most successful but I can recognize some of the other logos used as well such as RC and NBC although I would like to know why you decided to change the colors on the NBC logo.

Aaron said...

Sorry Samantha. NBC was pretty obvious to me too:) There isn't an RC logo. I think you're referring to the K2 snowboard logo.

Kaylie B. said...

I changed the colors because I didn't want to use the same old rainbow-y colors that the original logo uses. Instead, I decided to use different variants of my favorite colors: pink, purple, and blue.

Candace Sweatt said...

The KFC one looks to be the most successful though I really like the bottom one, because it reminds me of Notan...

Unknown said...

haha that's what I was thinking.

Kaylie B. said...

I had never heard of notan until I looked it up just now.

By the way, that last design was one of my "original" ideas, not a spoof.