Thursday, January 20, 2011

D1 Tutorial #1 Boydstun

How to Replace a Vanished Eye

Using the Lasso tool, select the "good" eye.

Next go to "Edit" and select "Copy".

Now go to "Edit" and hit "Paste"

The pasted image will be created in a new layer.

Making sure that the correct layer is selected, go to "edit" down to "Transform" and select "Flip Horazontal".

Now using the "Move Tool" move the new eye to the proper side of the face. Make sure to position it in a natural way, you may even need to rotate it a bit.

Once the new eye is positioned where you want it, go to "Layers" and select "Merge Down".

This will merge the selected layer with the one directly below it.

After merging the layers you may need to go back to the "new eye" and use the "Clone Stamp" and/or "Healing Brush" to fix any discoloration around the edges.

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