Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome! important info

This blog will be used to post assignments, tutorials, and other projects for both Digital Imaging 1 and 2.  Course materials such as the syllabi, assignments, and announcements will also be posted here.

You need to make comments on the completed assignments that your peers post on this blog.  You do not have to comment on every one, but you should maintain a constant presence on the blog during the entire semester.

You are required to create at least  5 tutorials, in video or screenshot / text form, during the semester.  These tutorials should show how to accomplish an advanced effect or process using Adobe Photoshop or in the case of Digital II Adobe Illustrator or Flash.  Due dates will be announced at a later time.  You are welcome to post more than five tutorials.  You may not copy other tutorials from the internet verbatim.  Each tutorial will be worth 30 points.  To get all 30 points your tutorial must be ambitious, coherent, unique, and helpful.  Please do not repeat a topic from someone else's previous tutorials.

All posts must be titled.  If you are in Digital I you should always begin each blog title with D1 and D2 if you are in Digital II.  This should be followed by the name of the assignment and the number and end with your name.  Example - I am in Digital II and I am posting my 3rd tutorial...  "D2 Tutorial #3 Thomas"
Example - I am in Digital I and I am posting the second picture from the project "Old to New / New to Old"... "D1 Old to New / New to Old #2 Jones"

You are required to interact and contribute to this class blog.  Failure to do this will result in a substantial reduction of your final grade.

You must have a free GMAIL email account to be able to contribute.

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