Wednesday, April 27, 2011


been in the lab forever it seems tryin to upload this video but flash keeps on shutting down!!! does anyone know what to do...


Aaron said...

Why are you publishing from Flash. If Flash is shutting down try changing computers.

Upload to YouTube. Google "YouTube video formats" and then use Adobe Media Encoder to change formats. I don't think you can upload an SWF file to YouTube. Try FLV or QuickTime files. Encoder will convert them.

Pamela said...

I had MULTITUDES of technical problems with this. Still don't know what I'm doing. Systems crashed, surge suppressors went nuts, software shut down, load times exceeding an hour for some simple thing I asked the computer to do, etc. etc. etc. Was in the computer lab until almost midnight Wed. trying to get SOMETHING - ANYTHING posted to the blog for the Passage of Time assignment. Pamela

Jourdan Clark said...

i finally got it to come up but i just uploaded the video n put it together on my computer.