Thursday, February 23, 2012

D2 B Smooth logo BA

For some reason the spare graphic elements on the left side of the 10 Sec racing logo still show up even though they were deleted so please ignore it.


Aaron said...

I think we need to ban you from using black and red for awhile

B-Smooth said...

haha, point taken. Any other comments besides that?!

Aaron said...

I really like how you are beginning to experiment with all that can be done with Illustrator, but don't lose focus on the utility of a logo. It has to be easily read and understood even at 80 mph. And it has to be easy to remember. Very few people have the kind of visual memory that some of us artists have. I can recall your logos easily while typing this comment, but I would think that about 99% of people out there would not after seeing it 10 -15 times like i have. clean, bold design with good use of figure ground and smart use of color is more important or successful than showcasing skills, extensive use of different elements, and "cute"ness. Don't try to do too much. The best logos in the works are simple and timeless. However, simple doesn't always mean good. good means good