Thursday, May 3, 2012

Game 3 intro

Sorry OKC Thunder, but the "action painting" intro on Fox Sports Oklahoma was not cool! These pretentious performance painters that make videos of themselves making crap with oversized brushes in 5 minutes are not artists, they are exhibitionists that give real artists a very bad name because 99% of people watching think that what these clowns do IS  great fine art.

Real painters do not use both their left and right hands David Garibaldi. If your work requires that the process be videotaped there is a problem. It means the video is better than the work itself and that's why it's being taped.


Amie said...

That "painting" looks like shit

Raechel said...

Tell'em Aaron!

Teresa said...

What the hell...that was total crap!

Kaylie B. said...

He wasn't really painting. He was just slapping paint around to make it look like he's creating artwork. Obviously, that's not real artwork. It's playing with paint.