Tuesday, February 15, 2011

D1 J Clark Tutorial 2

since we got to work with the brush tool on the digital painting assignment i thought id teach a way to create your own personal  brush tool!
1.) open up a New file, and a box will come up with your settings.  Change the preset to custom, and the width and the height to whatever you like. set the resolution to 300, and the color mode to greyscale. and click ok.
2.)Go up to the top and click on Iamge/ adjustments/ levels.
3.) next a box will pop up and you will fill in all the adjustments to your liking. mine happen to be 58, 1.00, and 234.
4.)Go back up to Image/ adjustments/ levels.
5.) set your settings as you please, by simply grabbing the curve you'd like to change. my output is 76 and my input is 69.

6.) go back up to Image/adjustments/eposure.

7.) set the preset to custom and sent as you wold like, my particular numbers are plus 95 and. 89.

8.)Go back to Image/ adjustments/shadows and highlights.
9.) fill in the adjustments as necessary. ex. mine are 13 and 43%.
10.)Go to image/ adjustments/ brightness and contrast.
11.) fill in as light and dark as you want your image to appear. my contrast happens to be 38.
12.) draw on your page how you want your image to appear and select select all.
13.) then go to edit/ and define brush preset.
14.)name your brush!

15.)your finshed..


Aaron said...

So what makes this brush different than any other brush?

Jourdan Clark said...

well i know on the last assignment(digital painting) if i would have know how to make a new brush it would have help a lot... i found myself using what brushes i had n just tryin to do the best that i could with it.

Jourdan Clark said...

its not necessarily a must have, but it can make things easier.