Friday, January 27, 2012

D1-TUTORIAL#1-Christopher Cox


First open photoshop and choose a photo you want to use. For this tutorial I am using buildings.

Then double click on the layer and.......

 .....this box will open. Click on ok to make it a normal layer.

Then go to image-adjustments-desaturate like shown below to take color out of photo.

Then you want to copy this layer by clicking and dragging down to the icon next to the trash can. This icon is used to create new layer.

 Once layer is copied like shown...........make sure the copied layer is chosen.........

then go to image-adjustments-invert. This will make everything that is white, black and everything that is black, white. Basically inverting the black in white.

 Now you want to change the blending mode for this layer from normal to color dodge like seen in both images below. This should turn your entire document for this layer into white with a few black spots in different areas but that is to be expected.

 Then go to filter-other-minimum and you will see your photo turn into a sketch...........

 And also a box with the word minimum at the top will pop up. With the pixel setting tool, you can adjust the size of the lines. Smaller the number the better detailed lines you get. For example: Basically a setting of 1 will be smaller lines with better detail and a setting of 5 will be more defined lines but loose detail. I would use 1 because it just looks better to me. Once you are happy with you setting click the ok button........

......and there you have it- a photo to sketch tutorial. Try it and have fun!!!!

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