Monday, March 12, 2012

D2 How to create an old school typography technique- Amie

First we will start in Illustrator. Choose a font and type your word, create outlines by selecting the whole word and go to Type>Create Outlines.

Create a new Photoshop file 2500x2500 pixels with a 300dpi.

Copy file from Illustrator and paste into Photoshop choosing the pixels option.

Next add a white stroke Inside the text using the layer style menu.

Isolate just the black text by using Select> Color Range. Once you have the selection made, make a new layer and press Alt+Backspace to fill the layer with the black text. You can then delete your previous layer with the white stroke.

Ctrl+Click your new layer with just the black  text to make a selection around your text. Use your gradient tool to create a black and white gradient from bottom to top of your text.

Select Image>mode>Grayscale 
Select Image>Mode>Bitmap 
 Select “Halftone” screen from the dialog box. Make sure your resolution says 300 DPI. Set the frequency to about 6 and the angle 0 and shape Line.

Drag and drop text into Illustrator and Live trace and expand.
 Ungroup the live traced shape. This will separate all the black shapes from the white shapes.
Click on white area around your text (you may not see it, but it’s there) to select a white shape. Then go to select>same>fill color to select all your white shapes. Press Delete to get rid of them. You only need the black shapes.
Select all of the leftover black shapes by dragging a large selection box around it and group them.

Now you will need to scale down your line gradient and fit it inside your text outline.

Add some color by going to edit>edit colors> convert to RGB and then you can change the fill and stroke colors.


1 comment:

Kaylie B. said...

This is a neat tutorial. However, the "Graphic Art" text is a little difficult to read.