Thursday, February 16, 2012

D1-Self Portrait-Raechel Bible

All of these faces are famous actors/chef/designer who also have my first name. Most are spelled "Rachel" but like me a few have different spellings. So I thought it would be nice to put those people in as well. The book in the middle is for my last name. Since my last name is Bible and not Holy Bible i had to cover up the "holy" part.

This is myself in a hotel room. I chose this because I like to travel and having parents that do what mine do, I have spent a lot of time in hotels.

The ground is desert because summer is my favorite season. There is a night sky because it's my favorite time. The building is from New Orleans, my favorite city EVER. The guy in the spandex is Brian Wilson. He is my dude. I also loooove beards and baseball is my favorite sport. The pink Jeep Wrangler is the ultimate dream car for me! The pumps in the far distance represent my dad. People say I look like him and that I have the "Bible family personality". He is also the reason I can pay for school. Rachel McAdams and the book beside her represent my name.


Aaron said...

brian wilson huh. that dude is a quintessential crazy relief pitcher. I prefer Jason Motte

EMMAconda said...

I looove beards too!