Thursday, April 26, 2012

D1 Open Series Sara

When I started learning about art history I was confused by what is considered art versus what is considered craft. It was explained to me that if something is made to be used than it is not art but if it is for decoration, if it was created just because someone wanted to than it is art. This does make some sense but I see a very fine line between art and craft at times. I do enjoy crafting so this might be the reason I am willing to consider some things art that others do not but either way I decided to combine the two. So for my open series I did "Craft Turned Fine Art" where I make a digital collage with a different craft for each theme. The base of each collage are quilt patterns.





Cooking     not quite as craft like as others but often those who are all craftsy like cooking it can be very creating... compositionally I was very proud if it.

And finally I had more time but could not think of a good craft idea that had enough photos for so I decided to make a new photography one. Mostly that one because while I like the way the cameras turned out the overall image is very bright and it was my first so I was not really playing with filters that much. Soo Photography 2... the quilt pattern was the most complicated but with the filters is harder to see it. Without the filters the image was very vibrant, I liked it a lot but the camera's did not stand out enough so I had to tone it down.

I really think cooking is my favorite. The overlaying image pops without the color being lost in the underlaying collage. And the contrast on the mixer created one of the clearest of the stamps.


Aaron said...

This is some of your best work! I really like how the theme juxtaposes so many things. And a couple of them are really great compositions. The top 2 are the best.

Curtis B said...

yes these are really nice and a good direction!! keep doing things you are passionate about cuz it shows!

Teresa said...

Great colors and I just love your overall concept. I agree this is some of your best work.

Unknown said...

I think these are great! Love that quilt patterns are the background for these~ I like crafting it up too so I hear where your coming from, good job!