Thursday, April 26, 2012

D1-Open Series-Teresa-For Sale By Owner

I know so many families who are adopting, which of course I think is wonderful. So for my open series I wanted to take it into a different direction and go a little darker, also I wanted to try something different.

This picture represents pregnant women on a conveyer belt, being mass produced to sell their unwanted babies. The tunnel represents the birth canal and therefore that is why I gave it a fleshy tone. I didn't put heads on these bodies, because these women hide their identities.

This picture represents how you can easily go and select a child of your choosing. I purposely made this hard to see so it would appear like you are looking through a vail. It's hard to look at, but you can't help but continue to look.

This is my take on the blackmarket. These babies are being sold for profit, hence the woman with her back turned and walking away with money. The men are going through selecting the best ones to sell. The woman also represents how we walk away from these dark topics and just turn our backs to things that make us uncomfortable and frankly can't stop.

I used chicken eggs to represent the mass production of babies. I included some fertile, rotten and eggs at the beginning stages of fertilization. I gave these eggs a glowing feel because with all of the hormones injected into women and their eggs, seems toxic.

Ok so I know this one isn't great, but I wanted to give this a static feel and show how babies can be bought like everyday commodities. In the black lettering these are all name brand items, which in turn represents the type of person who can "purchase" a baby.


Doom pants said...

i really liked the eggs..not in the way of thinking they are eatable....but i liked the image..ha.

i also thought the image of the assembly line was great. i did like the veil appearance as well.

my favorite idea was the first of your set with the tunnel and the faceless woman.

i like the idea of you doing this so dark too..never would have guessed you to do that

Curtis B said...

some things that worked for this is the grungy kind of choppy look of all the photos! It only works with the consideration of the subject matter in these works

Unknown said...

You're scaring me! j/k Glad you decided to come to the dark side! lol But really you did a great job on this series, It's hard to portray an idea and still make it visually appealing, and I feel like you did a great job of incorporating both into your pieces.