Thursday, March 10, 2011

D2 Tutorial #3 Pina

Ok so for my soap logo that was a few assignments back I had some trouble with my text. I just wanted the stroke to show but the lines of the stroke intersected and it didn't look right. So this is what I had to do: 

1. I put my text down, then I had to go to Type, then down to Create Outlines, and then over to Object, and down to Ungroup so that I could work with one letter at a time: 

2. The first letter that I fixed here that intersected was the T so I selected that one first:

3. After you've selected your letter and you can see it outlined go over to the tools on your left and select the Add Anchor tool. You will need to add anchors on where you want your line to end because they're not always there. Then after you've added the anchor points choose the Delete Anchor Point tool and delete the anchors where you want to. 

4. After you delete your anchors on the T you have to Select a different letter before adding or deleting anymore anchor points.:

5. Here we see the finished product after you delete all the intersecting stroke lines in the letters, (don't forget to go back up to Object and Group your text so that it can become a whole word again instead of individual letters) :

6. Then if you want to add a shadow and don't want to go through all that again just select your whole word, put your mouse over your text, hold down the alt option key and a white arrow should appear and just drag it down and you'll have a copy of your text:

7. Then if you want you can choose another color and put that as over it so the black text in the back looks like the shadow:

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