Thursday, April 7, 2011

D1 Open Series Hale

For my Open Series, I did a Conceptual Art idea in which I used a randomization process to come up with a nonsense phrase, which was in this case, "Social Media Theme Park Stupid", and searched Google images using that phrase to find the first 40 images. Using only these images, I attempted to create a message with each piece, trying to find common themes in random images. I tied them together in varying ways, and created 5 different images. The first image in this post is the 40 images I received, and the following 6 are my five pieces, the last of which is a close up from image number 3.


Unknown said...

Are these supposed to be to be a magazine series? I'm not sure what the theme is?

Nichole said...

its a little confusing to me..

Dinah said...
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Dinah said...

I like your method for finding images. Aside from that, was your theme about magazine covers or advertisements?

Austin Hamm said...

while the overall idea of the pictures might be hard to get if you didn't know the method in which you used to get your images, I do like the way in which you put them together. I especially like the ones that look almost like playing cards in a way with the monkey in a wig laid over the images.

Jami said...

My favorite is the last image with the monkey wearing a wig, I kind of wish that the rest of the images had that quality connecting them to one another.

Jourdan Clark said...

ummm... can you explain each picture because im not really understanding what your gettin at?

Pamela said...

Okay, I understand the concept of trying to link images you fished off the net with a set of words. But, I don't think you linked them together sufficiently. If you have a common subject running through your series, it eludes me and apparently the other viewers.

Austin said...

There isn't a theme except for the method of finding the images. But thanks, I like the playing cards ones best too.