Thursday, April 28, 2011

D1. Portel Bellamy - TImelapse

D1. Portel Bellamy - Time lapse

Here is my time lapse. I call it (super awesome easter roller coaster) Surprise. I just got a K'new roller coaster kit and made it for my nephew and nieces and took numerous photos during the process. I took about 270 images at a 5 fps rate. I got the song form a website called because it had copy-right free music (just in case Youtube took the song off). The song is called Ropocalyse 2 just in cause you want it. And yeah, I know the song is ridiculous, but I thought it was funny, so it stayed. Anyways, if you have any questions just let me know and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks.


Jourdan Clark said...

thats so weird portel... just lookin at your video from the blog it showed me.. (at least on the computer im on at the lab).. a complete different video til i clicked to comment on your timelapse.. but nicely done.. def showin a passage of time and usin a tripod def helped.. seemed like you took the pics at the perfect times.. i know it took you forever to make it.. we were in the lab a lot at the same times tryin to figure out how to work it

Pamela said...

Your long hours of frustration really paid off. I was able to see your film on one of the lab computers just fine. Love the music too! Pamela

sijan rana said...

did you use photoshop to edit the pictures ? i like the music and the way you have your pictures perfectly timed out. the only thing i would complain would be the way your video ends.

Dinah said...

Wow... That must have taken forever... good job! very impressive!

Jami said...

This is really good! I love watching the coaster build itself.

Nichole said...

really cool i like that it seems as if its building itself!

Unknown said...

I was there laughing at you talking at the computer but it was all worth it. Good job. The song is a nice touch. The kids were raving at the end.. HAHA. Good job.

Amie said...

i think the best part was the finished rollercoaster and showing your nieces and nephew enjoying it. great job!